
Blockchain Technologies: Empowering dProfiles with Innovative Features and Values


Blockchain technologies offer a plethora of innovative advantages and value to both communities and projects. At dProfiles, we leverage core, standardized blockchain technologies to deliver groundbreaking experiences that surpass industry standards.

Transparency and Immutability

The interaction between employer and employee is represented by transparent and immutable data on the blockchain. From job creation and setup to payments and transaction history, all data is securely stored on the blockchain via smart contracts. This stands as a significant advantage compared to traditional industry products, delivering real value to users.

Secure Data Storage and Ownership

Profile and certification information are encrypted and stored on the blockchain as NFTs using the ERC721 standard. NFT metadata is distributed across IPFS services, ensuring that only the NFT owner can modify the information stored on the blockchain. For specific NFTs related to identity, such as profiles and certifications, which cannot be transferred, we utilize Soulbound Tokens to enhance user experience. These tokens can only be owned by a single user and cannot be transferred or traded, further strengthening ownership and authenticity of user identity data.

Flexible and Secure Payment

By utilizing smart contracts to store and distribute assets between employer and employee, we support both native coins and ERC20 tokens on various blockchain platforms. Smart contracts are designed for flexible use and management, prioritizing user asset security and transparency while maintaining a convenient and user-friendly experience.

Privacy Protection with Zero-Knowledge Proofs

We leverage the benefits of Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technology. ZKP allows users to verify their authenticity without disclosing all their information. This feature is particularly valuable for storing personal information such as user profiles and certificates on the blockchain. NFT data is securely stored publicly, and employers can demonstrate their compliance with employer requirements on the blockchain without revealing their personal information to third parties.

Overcoming Gas Fee Barriers

We understand that blockchain transaction fees can be a barrier for users. Therefore, we implement Relayer technology to provide a gas-free transaction experience. Now, any new wallet, even without native coins, can use the product without paying any gas fees.

Continuous Innovation and Adoption

Blockchain technology is constantly evolving, and so are we. We continuously monitor, challenge ourselves, and adopt the latest, most suitable, and secure technologies to enhance our product, delivering a safer, more modern, and transparent user experience.

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