Token Unlock & Vesting

The number of tokens allocated to the team, advisors and partnership will be locked and vested for 48 months. All remaining investors will have a much lower vesting period of 20 months for angel investors and 30 months for later capital raising rounds before DP1 is listed on CEX / DEX.

This empowers early-stage investors to decide whether to withdraw capital early or not, as well as normal token holders, who intend to buy more tokens to become major shareholders of the project as soon as possible.


We would like to note to $DP1 token holders that you can stake tokens to receive 70% of the profits from the project. Also, the total amount of tokens will decrease as users use tokens in the platform, so $DP1 holders will increasingly have a higher holding rate and will receive better rewards with the same amount of $DP1 that users are holding.

Table of Token Allocation & Vesting ratio

Only 9% of the total token supply will be unlocked when listing $DP1 goes to the CEX/DEX and we reserve 5% of the token amount for liquidity.

This is a great rate for the token price to pump during the period after listing and we fully expect profits when investing in buying $DP1 in the early-stages of the project.

Last updated